الاثنين، 8 أغسطس 2011

Homework .Social media

Social Media and and research  of Technology .

until not far ago ,researchers ,engineers , and researchers of any sort  had to go throw great deal of trouble  when trying to find papers and work related to their field of interest ,even when they did manage to find useful information on the web it was often limited to the form of text .the introduction of 2.0 brought a lot of changes in the ways we use the web .its no source for  software/video content/Audio /Code/it is a place where you meet up and discus/it is even now a work place ,the idea of open source programing is now extended  to all sorts of businesses , there is now even virtual employees.the outsourcing sector is great example for that where Finnish companies for example hire a programmer in  India to get the job done and deliver the minute he/she is done.
in my own field of work there is a lot of examples where engineers develop software  for factories  totally from outside the country , deploy it monitor it and update it all from over seas .it help reducing cost ,and maintaining highest quality because you are seeking the best professionals without compromising your time or budget

Facebook or linked in, i believe that both are equally useful and there is not really any space for comparison,one of them is aimed at friends and family (FBook) and the other is designated at maintaining a professional profile that helps promote your business/career, 
i use both .
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